Corrugated Roof Sheets & Slate Tiles in Linden

Home / Corrugated Roof Sheets & Slate Tiles in Linden

Designer Roof Truss Roof Corrugated Roof Sheets & Slate Tiles In Linden

Corrugated Roof Sheets & Slate

What was the brief?

The client wanted an upmarket and modern finish to his new business park in Linden, Johannesburg.

How we went about it

The roof has a mixture of tiles and roof sheeting. On the outer buildings, we used a thunderstorm-coloured corrugated roof sheeting, and on the centre building, we covered the roof with slate roof tiles.

Designer Roof Truss Corrugated Roof Sheets & Slate Tiles In Linden 1
Designer Roof Truss Roof Corrugated Roof Sheets & Slate Tiles In Linden 2
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